AMP PD Transcriptomics Differential Expression All Time Points
Analysis Methodology
Note: The analysis that produced this target list is available to all registered AMP PD users in Terra and can be reused in your work.
The AMP-PD Target Explorer uses transcriptomic data described here.
3 Studies were included in this analysis:
Number of Samples Successfully Processed | |
BioFIND | 165 |
PDBP | 3296 |
PPMI | 4622 |
Outliers and covariates
Outlier samples
- Principal components were correlated to metadata and QC metrics. RIN and PCT USABLE BASES (Picard RnaSeqMetrics) were used to set cut offs for outlier detection.
- Tools:
- R
- To help identify covariates, principal components were correlated to metadata and QC metrics. variancePartition was used to validate potential covariates. Finally a neutrophil score was developed to fill the gap in CBC data.
- Tools:
- R
- variancePartition
- Input:
- fullTableRNAseqMeta_TNT.csv created by: Terra Notebook
- neutAndLymph.csv generated using: Lymphocyte and neutrophil enriched genes, from Protein Atlas Human Proteome
- Output:
- default covariates:
sex + plate + age + neutPerc + lymphPerc
- default covariates:
Differential expression
- Cohorts for DE were created by filtering metadata for case/control status, visit month, and genetic mutation status. DE was performed with and without neutrophil score as a covariate.
- Tools:
- R
- edgeR
- limma
- Transcriptomics Differential Expression Terra Workspace
- Input:
- raw count data (output from Subread featureCounts)fullTableRNAseqMeta_TNT.csv
- table of relevant sample metadata
- Output:
- differential expression table including fold change, p-values, and average expression- Plots (volcano and mean difference)
Underlying Analyses
Differential Expression
Gene, Transcript
Results of PD case versus HC differential expression analysis. Differential expression was assessed using linear modeling and empirical Bayes moderation (employing default settings) with limma+voom, using sex, age, plate, derived neutrophil and lymphocyte percentages in the design formula in addition to disease status. Genes with an adjusted p < 0.05 and a log2 fold change > 0.1 are considered differentially expressed. Multiple hypothesis testing was performed with the decideTests() function in limma using the default adjustment method (Benjamini-Hochberg).
Whole Blood
BioFIND, Parkinson's Disease Biomarkers Program (PDBP), Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI)
Data Dictionary
Field Name | Field Name Expanded | Short Description (optional) |
ensembl_gene_id | ENSEMBL Gene ID | |
hgnc_symbol | HGNC symbol | |
gene_type | Gene type from GENCODE | |
logfc | Log2 Fold Change | |
AveExpr | Average Expression | |
t | T-test statistic | |
p_val | p-Value | |
adj_p_val | Adjusted p-value |